Friday, 26 January 2007


This started out as a frankly rubbish sketch that I was intending to colour. I ended up adding all the blacks in Photoshop and although it was completely different to what I'd envisioned, I quite like it...

Thursday, 25 January 2007

The Loop

The last of the three pieces for Event Horizon, there's actually the germ of an idea behind this one.....

Saturday, 20 January 2007

Trading Card

Recentish trading card for Upper Deck, this is unique for me in that it's the first thing I've drawn and painted entirely digitally, fact fans. Btw I paint everything in the glorious Photoshop 6 - I have more up to date versions of PS but #6 still gets the Oliver love every time.

Thursday, 18 January 2007


Pencil sketch from a couple of years ago, this is a character from a project created by Eddie Deighton of Com.x.....


Little bit of superhero action for today - this is a currently unpublished cover for Cla$$war from Com.x. It was intended for a trade collecting issues by writer Rob Williams and artist Travel Foreman, but I'm not sure if it'll ever see print. Cla$$war was really well received when first published, and both Rob and original artist the mighty Trev Hairsine currently both work for Marvel.....I think.....
Btw, one thing I should mention is that this piece was based around a sketch by Travel himself, so thanks to him for that...

Tuesday, 16 January 2007


My career in comics basically started when I met Neil Googe and the boys from Com.x at the Bristol convention in 2000. The first book I worked on was called Puncture, written by Russ Uttley - this is a related unpublished piece I drew for fun and apart from the initial sketch was all done in photoshop.

Monday, 15 January 2007


I've been working on Ultimate X-Men for a few months and am just about to start my final issue -this is the cover for #77. It's not often I'm happy with anything I've done, but at the moment I'm still pretty pleased with this one. It's a mixture of traditional paint and coloured pencil with added photoshop trickery.

This is not Black Widow

.....although a few people thought it was. It's actually a character called Synnamon and was a cover I drew for 2000ad a couple of years ago. There's an element of cheesecake there which I suppose is unusual in my work, but I actually really enjoyed working on it...

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Not scary in the slightest

Another image for Event Horizon, again I don't know why I came up with it. I called it Ohhhscary, but it really isn't.


Right, on with some pictures....

This first image was painted for Event Horizon 2, published by all-round good fella Liam Sharp and his gang. I don't actually know why I came up with it or even what it is - some kind of zombie vampire thing? enjoyed drawing it a lot though.....

It lives!

After a bit of trial and error I've finally worked out how to post colour images on this shiny new blog of mine - confusion over CMYK and RGB, if you're interested. Anyway, I'll be using this blog to basically get some art up on the net, old and new, unpublished, work in progress, that kind of thing. I'll try and update as often as possible, please feel free to comment on anything you see.....